Re: DQL Query Patterns and Variable Bindings

From: Pat Hayes ([email protected])
Date: 01/13/02

>In this message, I will reply to your comments on my overview of what's
>in a query and in a query response.  I will comment on your proposed use
>of continuations in a following message.

OK, and sorry the response is so late. Im catching up slowly :-)

>>  >
>>  >* Knowledge Base - I think we are all agree that a query is posed with
>>  >respect to a DAML+OIL knowledge base.  Thus, a query needs to include a
>>  >reference to a DAML+OIL knowledge base.  I am referring to that
>>  >knowledge base as the "query KB".
>>  It would make more sense to call it the 'server KB'.
>>  Do we in fact want to assume that there is a unique KB for each
>>  query? Eg consider a 'services' setting in which a query can be
>>  published, meaning 'any site that can prove this, give me an answer'.
>>  The RDF core WG considered such a possibility, where one might
>>  publish a piece of RDF that said, in effect, please prove that I can
>>  get flowers from you amounting to this quantity before this date at
>>  less than this price (and then you and I have a deal).
>>  This might well be a natural way to deal with 'queries', in fact, in
>>  a commercial B2B context; the logic is the same, so why not allow it
>>  as a possibility? In other words, such a publication is a kind of
>>  open-ended query in which the KB - ie the identification of the KB -
>>  is itself part of the answer.
>Interesting.  I have been thinking of a query as asking what is entailed
>by a given logical theory.

Right, me too.

>I think you are suggesting that we expand
>that notion to include asking what is true in some domain of discourse
>like our consensus reality.

Well, you might phrase it that way, but what I had in mind was 
something more restricted, ie allowing logical theories to choose 
themselves to 'match' a query.

>That would mean, for example, that a query
>could ask "Who is the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court" (to take
>a random example), or as you suggest, ask a query about a Web service.
>If we do that expansion, what constitutes a correct answer to such a

Well, the answer is still what it was before, but now it includes a 
specification of the KB that is providing the answer. The only 
difference is who chooses the KB: is the query always directed to a 
particular KB, 'chosen' by the query itself, or can a query be 
directed to a community of KBs, and thereby invite many, possibly 
different, responses?

>What if a server said that I was Chief Justice of the U.S.
>Supreme Court?

Well, if that is what it said, then it could presumably be held 
responsible for any valid conclusions from that assertion.

>When a query is about entailment in a given logical
>theory, we know what the test is for correctness of an answer.

I wasn't suggesting changing that, only allowing the query to be 
answered by several different 'theories'. This is a web context, 
after all, and presumably we have to expect that there will be many 
ontologies in use.

>I don't
>know what a query is about when it is not with respect to a given
>logical theory.

Well, it is exactly the same, but it invites any theory to prove it. 
The logic is the same.

>Of course, an easy case is where a knowledge base is
>not specified in the query but is specified in a query answer so that
>the answer specifies a sentence that is entailed by the knowledge base
>that is referred to in the answer.

Right, exactly. That is what I was suggesting.

>>  >* Premise - I have proposed that a query optionally include a premise to
>>  >facilitate if-then queries while still remaining within the
>>  >expressiveness of DAML+OIL.  Specifically, I have proposed that a
>>  >premise be an arbitrary DAML+OIL knowledge base.  There has been no
>>  >formal agreement on whether or not DQL will allow a "query premise".
>>  I would vote not, in the first draft. It smacks of tiptoeing into
>>  'rules' territory, and it ought to be definable in any case by
>>  querying a KB containing the premise and an import of the previous KB.
>Well, we have discussed this before.

Right, and I still think that the answer should be not, in the first 
draft. I would like to keep the query language as simple as possible 
at first, and solve the problems a few at a time.

>  The primary motivation is to allow
>queries to be stated using only DAML+OIL (no rules) that hypothesize and
>describe objects and then ask a question about the hypothesized objects.

That seems like a potential minefield to me, and one that we should 
venture into carefully.

>>  >answer will include a binding for each distinguished variable.  I am
>>  >referring to the variables in the query pattern that are not
>>  >distinguished variables as "non-distinguished variables".
>>  undistinguished variables?
>From a quick check on the Web, I find them being called
>"nondistinguished variables".
>>  >
>>  >* Query - The query to which this is a response.
>>  >
>>  >* Server - The server that produced this response.
>>  ? This seems rather like having a piece of code sign its name to
>>  everything it does. Surely, if I am querying a KB, I already know
>>  what the query was. Why do I need to be told this again?
>>  BUt in any case, what exactly *is* the 'server' here? You seem to be
>>  assuming that servers are genuine things on the web, but that seems
>>  to be something that we havn't really decided on yet. How does DAML
>>  refer to agents, so it can express this response? (Or indeed to
>>  queries, for that matter)?
>I was assuming that a server has a URI.

OK. But then we need on ontology of servers, right?

>I suppose it is not critical that a query response contain a pointer to
>the query to which it is a response, but it certainly needs to contain a
>pointer to the server, since the answers contained in a response are
>server-specific in that those are the answers that that server did
>produce to the query.  (Yes, each answer is correct or not regardless of
>who produced it, but the set of answers is server-specific in that those
>are the ones that were produced by the server out of all the possible
>correct answers.)
>>  >* Answers - Zero or more answers to the query.
>>  Right, but how is 'zero answers' indicated?
>I don't see that as being a problem.  A query result would necessarily
>have some sort of collection (e.g., a list) of query answers, and if
>there are zero answers then that collection would be empty.

OK again.


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